Monday 11 October 2010

Applying recognisable Trailer Conventions

  • How does the trailer work as a promotional tool

  • How is the audience engaged

  • What role or function do the conevntional elements play

In order to play with the recognisable conventions of trailers, in groups we came up with ideas about how to market and promote are given Title BLOODSHED HIGH.

Bloodshed HiGH Presentation

From watching and analyzing horror trailers my group could come up with key conventions that marketed a successful trailer.
  1. We discussed the USP (UNIQUE SELLING POINT) which is essential in the marketing of film. we asked ourselves what made our film different from the rest?
  2. we had to make sure there were relevant actors that were known to the audience we could have a sense of familiarity with the audience.

From this task i learnt that trailers are not movies and that you only have a few minutes to show the most enticing features of the film without revealing the storyline or murders etc. i also learnt that audience expectations are key and you have to engage with them.


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