Monday 27 September 2010

Images Vs Words


Looking at film titles and images i wanted to consider which of the two were most informative to the audience so i went to research.

Let me in

The title of let me in alone shows the genre of the film, it being a horror and also a vampire film. By the old gothic style typography which is sharp on the edges we can connote this. Furthermore the Me is coloured red which again connotes blood and death. However the picture anchors this meaning down whith the cold winter snow as vampires are cold creatures or as Bram stoker says the 'Un-dead'!


Just by lookin at the Film title salt you cant tell what the film is going to be about or what genre it will be. This then brings me to say that not every film title can connote or tell what the film will be about and thats why images can be seen as important as they anchor the meaning down.
Although now looking at the image of Angelina jolie we can say that it maybe connotes an action movie of the sort.

Case 39

The movie title Case 39 connotes some realisim in the film. teh fact thats its a case and they remebered the number aids in creating the realism. The gostly whiye font connotes a sense of the past coming back to haunt the future.

By having the women cowering the child i think it again helps the title as most cases have children in it and something goes wrong.

In conluding this research i learnt that images and words work hand in hand and theyre both informative. The image or word anchors the meaning, Ive also learnt from this task that you dont give too much away an dit should be a hook to the audience and make peopel think about it.


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