Thursday 16 December 2010

analysis of

Friday 10 December 2010

textual analysis of magazine

I WILL SIN: campaign

As part of our campaign we used various media forms such as facebook where we could reach our target audience. Facebook being a popular social networking site allowed us to gain feedback on what we could improve and what people liked about it.

I WILL SIN: synopsis

Beth Summers (Louisa Swithenbank) is a shy and lonely girl who lives her life in books and longs to feel excepted. She is constantly bullied at school by most pupils especialy by three boys, Dan Woods (), Mike Jones () and Jake Lanes ().
Beth finally gets invited to what she thinks is the best party of her life in the heath. Beth finaly feels that she has began to make friends. However, once she arrives to the heath confusion begins to hit. Out of nowhere Beth gets violently attacked by the three bullies at her school and can't understand why they're treating her in this way. She is tied to a tree and left to suffer.
Beth finaly escapes and sets out for her revenge.
She will feel no remorse and will sin to succeed for her own sanity.

Change of plan!

As media students doing this trailer we have to use various skills and make decisions. well as part of our acknowledgements we found that the first sets of filming we did wasn't clear enough as the lighting was too dark!

Also there wasn't enough footage for us to create a trailer so we set out to make another one also changing the name of our trailer movie from FINAL DEADLINE to .........

I WILL SIN!! coming to a cinema near you

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